Agricultural info and Market platform

AgriBot is a chatbot that holds information about the Agricultural sector in Uganda.
And the chatbot has a Market feature that can be used to sell and buy different products without any charge

This Chatbot was made and deployed by NITA-U 

our location

Palm Courts Plot 7A
Lugogo By-Pass 


+256-782 711856

+256-759 909832

our services

We provide Information on different Agricultural Sector Plus a Free Market platform for any to sell and buy products with no middleman costs incurred 


We have information about different sectors in Uganda for example The Coffee Sector, The Maize Sector, The Tea Sector and the Banana Sector.
These are some of the leading Income Earners in the Ugandan economy hence this will help all people in the Agricultural sector


The Chatbot has a Market platform that allows one to sell and buy different products through the platform.
And the Bot also displays the different products that are up to sell for any and all to buy

our staff

The staff mentioned are the ones who were involved in the creating of the chatbot that has been provided.

The staff mentioned are the ones who were involved in the creating of the chatbot that has been provided.

MICHAEL tumuhaise


Sylvia namuli